Hope and Health for Babies and Mothers in Ecuador

After listening to a message from Pastor Arturo, mothers received baskets of essential food items to help support their families.
Thank you, Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Your support enables the local church to give vulnerable babies and mothers a healthy, happy start through the Compassion Survival program at Poder de Dios in Ecuador.
Currently, the program is serving 15 mother-infant pairs. All caregivers learn parenting and income-generating skills and receive spiritual nourishment from God’s Word. Moms and babies at risk of malnutrition receive nutritional support and regular medical check-ups. Church members and program staff form a loving, supportive community to give mothers encouragement in their parenting journey.
This report includes recent statistics, photos of Survival program activities and additional highlights. We hope you enjoy seeing the impact your gift has made in the lives of these babies and their mothers.
Mark Kirchgestner
Ministry Progress at Poder de Dios
July – December 2024

babies and mothers served

babies, on average per month, received malnutrition treatment

babies reached their first birthday and transitioned to the Sponsorship Program

pregnant mother
received prenatal care
Gratitude From Cindy, a Caregiver
I am sincerely grateful to be a part of this program which has changed my life tremendously. Since I joined, I have grown both as a mother and as a daughter of God. This program has deepened my knowledge of God’s Word and strengthened my relationship with him. I’ve seen the Lord working in my life and in the life of my family and my faith grows each day. My favorite activities are the workshops which allow me to learn new and useful things, and I also love sharing moments with other mothers in the program. The meetings are a source of support, encouragement, and companionship that I value greatly and help us grow both spiritually and socially together.
My baby has achieved important developmental milestones because of the program’s constant support. I believe this would not have been possible without the guidance and dedication of Survival Specialist Laura. She has been a fundamental pillar, teaching me how to stimulate my daughter through motor skills and stretching exercises. Now, my baby can sit up on her own and knows how to crawl safely. Seeing her progress fills me with hope and joy and I cannot express my gratitude enough to all the people who make this program possible.
I feel deeply privileged to belong to this special program which has been a source of help, comfort, and strength in the most challenging moments of our lives. Thanks to you, we have not only found material support, but also a community that reflects God’s love in every action and word. I pray that our heavenly Father will continue to shower his blessings on this beautiful ministry and on each of the people who dedicate their time and effort to help so many families in need. May your work continue to reflect his love and mercy.
With gratitude and faith,
Letter edited for clarity.
Recent Survival Activities
Your support helps provide a strong, healthy start, for moms and babies during an extremely vulnerable time. Monthly group activities and training sessions empower caregivers with critical skills in parenting, income generation, and child development. Regular medical check-ups and nutritional support foster healthy growth for both mother and child. Survival Specialists also make home visits to check on progress and provide spiritual discipleship. The photos below highlight some of the recent activities making an impact in these families’ lives.
Here, mothers from the program receive baskets of food including rice, sugar, cooking oil, and milk. These provisions represent vital nutritional aid for them and their families and also help relieve the financial burden of grocery purchases. Mothers enjoy the material support but also grow spiritually with guidance from the church pastor and nurturing specialists.
A local pediatrician performs a standard medical checkup on baby Emily while her mother, Cindy, stands by. These visits are crucial to monitoring the baby’s growth and development and are an act of love and care to the mother and baby, ensuring that Emily has every opportunity to grow strong and healthy.
Survival Specialist Laura meets mother Adriana and her baby Jeremias at their home. During their time together, Laura leads the mother-and-son pair in exercises on how to strengthen their emotional bond. Adriana is a very committed mother and is always willing to receive visitors and participate in the program’s activities because she knows they will benefit her baby and their well-being.
Celebrating the Transition from Survival to Sponsorship
For babies born into extreme poverty, reaching their first birthday is a significant accomplishment. Thanks to your generous gift, six babies recently celebrated this milestone and transitioned into Compassion’s home-based Sponsorship Program. Surrounded by the ongoing support of program staff. a vibrant local church, and loving sponsors, these precious little ones will continue to receive the resources and relationships they need to thrive. Meet these six special 1-year-olds below!
Survival Program Spotlight: Spiritual Development

For Survival mothers, this crucial emphasis on spiritual development includes Bible study, prayer, hearing the gospel message, spiritual growth and discipleship, and opportunities to follow Jesus. During monthly home visits, the Survival Specialist encourages mothers and provides spiritual support and counseling as needed. In addition, mothers in the Survival program gather together to fellowship and worship, and often share the spiritual insights they have learned within their circles, influencing neighbors and, in turn, their community.
Your Gift Matters
Thank you, Emmanuel Baptist Church! Your gift is making an eternal impact on the lives of vulnerable moms and babies in Ecuador. Thank you for investing in them and partnering with Compassion International to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. May God continually bless you!