Compassion at work in Peru.

Showing Compassion in Peru

Peru’s attractions include the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu. Despite a wealth of natural beauty, Peru is home to areas of entrenched poverty and low student achievement scores. The pandemic caused major disruptions for health services, with significant impacts to rural areas of Peru. Mental health is an issue as well. Since 1985, Compassion has partnered with our church partners in Peru to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Currently, more than 89,000 children are benefiting from Compassion’s whole-child development programming. 

Children Served

Frontline Church Partners

Years of Ministry

Poverty in Peru

  • 66% of youth of upper secondary age attend school. (UNICEF)
  • 52% of people in the country are using safely managed drinking water services. (UNICEF)
  • 58% of the population is using safely managed sanitation services. (UNICEF)

Compassion is working to bring hope for a brighter future to children and families in Peru. Our Frontline Church Partners are addressing children’s physical, economic, socio-emotional and spiritual needs.