Breaking Ground in Ecuador

Feb 11, 2025

The team rented an earth mover to clear and move dirt, flattening and terracing the land for construction.

The Rock Church of Portland,

Because of your generosity, the community of Quininde will soon have a home for the thriving, gospel-centered church in its midst. At least 30 adults and 100 children attend church services, and 139 children are registered for Compassion’s holistic child development activities. Since our last update, 10 people have professed their faith in Jesus! Your gift is truly making an eternal impact and we’re excited to share the details of that impact in this report.

Rick   Schluep

Leveling, Terracing and Challenges

Since our last update, a civil engineer completed a soil analysis and topographical survey which resulted in a recommendation from the engineer and architect to hire two large earth movers and create two terraces on which the facilities will be constructed. Ninety-five percent of the site preparation is complete and the next steps include laying the foundation and building the structural column’s metal framework. Additionally, the two metal posts for the church’s electrical system to connect to the city’s grid have been commissioned for fabrication.

The team has faced some hard-fought challenges in light of land leveling and clearing progress. Initially, the plans provided by the architect included excessive costs for the walls. After consulting with other experts and praying for a solution, the team was able to resolve the issues, reduce costs, and make better use of the land. Another anticipated challenge is the upcoming rainy weather that could affect progress on the foundation and column structures.

Through these challenges, the project leaders report seeking God for wisdom through prayer and express gratitude for giving them a diverse group of construction experts to consult for better alternatives and more cost-effective solutions that will still benefit the church members, the children, and their families. The community members acknowledge and are encouraged by the church’s efforts. Many families support these efforts by donating water and electricity, helping safeguard the machinery, and volunteering labor.

Pictured below are recent photos of the land clearing and terracing progress.

A tractor clears the trees and brush from the construction site.

The top terrace is leveled and ready for foundation. 

The project team leader marks areas of the site, preparing it for structural columns and foundation.

Maykel’s Family Reunited

“My name is Maykel and I am 7 years old. Before coming to this church, I saw how my dad drank a lot and mistreated my mom which made me cry a lot. My mom separated from my dad because of his daily drinking problem and started dating another man. But when my dad started going to church and praying for us to be a family again, God changed his heart. The pastor visited us a lot and eventually my mom, sister and I returned to live with my dad and now we are all together again and go to church as a family.”

A Church on Mission

As construction progresses, church and Compassion staff members prioritize holistic child development activities, spiritual care, and material resources for Compassion participants and their families. Weekly activities are held four days a week. Teachers carry out development activities on program days for children who can attend, and teachers make home visits for those students who cannot. When children are unable to participate in activities because they are sick, teachers bring medicines with them and spend time praying for their healing. For children with single mothers, food baskets are provided to help support the family’s well-being.

Church leaders lead students in a recreational activity and teach a Bible story after. 

Children enjoy Sunday School activities where they eat a snack, play games, and learn Bible stories. 

A young girl receives a healthy snack — an apple and yogurt — to keep her healthy and strong. 

With Much Gratitude

The Rock Church of Portland, as you can see, Movimiento Misionero Mundial is making an eternal impact in the lives of children and their families living in its midst. Without your gift, this work would not be possible. We look forward to bringing you more updates on construction progress and ministry activities soon, but until then, keep these Ecuadoran brothers and sisters in your prayers. May God bless you for your generosity!